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About Beacon Light


We are a mission-minded, community church strategically planted in the Black Oak neighborhood of the city of Gary, IN. This urban community is ethnically diverse and economically impoverished, lending itself to unique opportunities for shining the light of Christ, bringing glory to God.

Mission – In this unique setting we strive to:

1) Fulfill the Great Commission by preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ, helping the lost to find Christ and helping believers grow in Christ-likeness, while becoming active members in a local church.

2) Fulfill the Great Commandment by loving God, loving each other and loving our neighbors. And in this love…

3) Preach the gospel of the kingdom, seeking to transform our community so that, more and more, it bears the marks of God’s coming kingdom.

                                    Worship is at 9:30 on Sunday mornings! Come join us!

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